Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 07 October 2011




The Minx returned home with Brother Bill c. 01.28, followed by sounds of WillyFred scuttling under the bed sometime later.

Upon rising: T reports a powerful and successful The Humans’ performance in London last night, with several industry persons in attendance. While we were engaged in bedside conversation, WillyFred was engaged in some invisible action on the landing, then running inside the bedroom and thumping, to protect us from our visitors of the invisible kind. This is a frequent occurrence here, and does not disturb us as much as it does the Wilf.

Over the road to World HQ I…




… on a markedly colder morning.

Morning reading…


… touching on the powerful actions, in society and culture, of persons mostly unrecognized for who they are.

10.32    And a little of The Writing Project from Wednesday 6th. October, 2004…

Know that the world will die if we do not extend our good wishes to it. That is, if we do not do the work that is given to us to discharge, part of the world will die. Know this for a certainty.

12.47    An e-flurrying. A new area of dispute is about to open, outside the industry but related to copyright violation and royalty accounting of the NOT-variety.

Off to lunch with Brother Bill.

15.56    A superb dinner and good conversing with Bill at The Old Fire Station wonder restaurant, returning for coffee in the home study.

The Minx has collected Igor from the Piddle. We are now off to cheer loudly for Robin Trower at the Cheese and Granary in Frome.

01.05    A two-hour drive, arriving c. 18.10…


The venue was closed, so we went to what I believed was a West Country pub; but was actually a boutique hotel hiding its wonders behind a traditional frontage. We had a superb meal in its el posho restaurant of the contemporary variety, before returning to the venue for a coffee. The Cheese and Granary, a charity venture, was not yet open; with developing queue. A respectable audience, mainly standing with some tables around the room I…




… and an energetic young trio in support. Getting playing experience is exceptionally hard for beginning bands.

The RT Trio came on c. 21.40. Superb. Robin is playing better now than 38 years ago. Bill’s comment: They’re not afraid to take their time. They’re not in a rush because they are already where they’re going. Igor was also a happy boy.

A brief afterwards-thanks to Robin and into the car, returning home with Igor and Bill. Dropping Igor off at the Piddle c. 00.45, home c. 00.55.

Now pretty dribbling after a superb evening. It is a wonderful experience to be in the audience for someone who can play.

